Multiswap: For Liquidity Providers

  1. Access to an ETF-Like LP Token:

LP tokens on Multiswap represent the value of all assets within the pool in their given weights, similar to how an ETF represents a basket of different stocks. This diversified exposure reduces risk and optimizes portfolio management.

  1. Perfect Rebalancing:

Multiswap pools are constantly rebalancing, aligning asset weights with preset constraints, and mimicking ETF behavior.

  1. No Single-Trade Impermanent Loss:

With its unique post-trade pricing mechanism, Multiswap eliminates subsidies on trades that would lead to both the single-trade impermanent loss and loss-vs-rebalancing found in other AMM designs.

  1. Native Single-Sided Staking:

Providing and removing liquidity is as easy as swapping one of the tokens in the pool for the LP token or vice versa. Greatly simplifying the user experience.

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